WhatsApp Image 2018-12-27 at 11.38.27 AM

Microsoft Azure gives you the added benefit of both IaaS and PaaS, with the convenience of cloud infrastructure as the highlight.

This technology is something which is beyond brilliance. People often think it is something like a cloud service which is restricted to only store the photos or document files, but guys its much more than that.

It can perform various things whether it is app development or web development .

Microsoft Azure community is the community of worlds largest brilliant engineers, otherwise it doesn’t seem to be possible that a single technology can do such a number of tasks with such friendliness and accuracy.

My favourite part about azure is its vastness.

Azure Functions are highlighted below.

Intuitive, browser-based user interface — You can write code in the easy-to-use web interface or use your favorite development tool to build and debug. Azure Functions has an intuitive, browser-based user interface to respond to events generated by Event Hubs, HTTP Requests, Timers, Azure Queues, Table Storage, Blob Storage, etc.

Variety of programming languages — The developer has the freedom to choose the programming language of his/her choice. The service accepts a variety of programming languages like C#, F#, Node.js, Python, PHP or Java. You can utilize the programming model for a number of activities such as building HTTP-based API, communicating with other servers or orchestrating complex workflows.

Capabilities for implementing code — Being event driven, the application platform has capabilities to implement code triggered by events occurring in any third-party service or on-premise system.

Compute-on-demand — This delivery model ensures that computing resources are available to the users as per their demand. It is the user’s enterprise or cloud service provider that usually maintains these resources. The user doesn’t have to worry about provisioning or managing them anywhere, but rather, focus on their business logic.

Supports Continuous Deployment and Integration — Even though Azure Functions is serverless architecture, it still supports Continuous Deployment and Continuous Integration because developers still need them. This is done through through GitHub, Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services and other development tools, such as Xcode, Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA.

Serverless computing functions are typically not complete, full-featured applications. Instead, functions handle specific, short-lived tasks. Most functions involve some form of data processing, such as image or order processing, as well as file maintenance or data collection from internet of things (IoT) devices.

Some examples of how an IT team uses Azure Functions include:

  • The Azure Event Hub can deliver different events that trigger functions related to conditions in the cloud environment or a user account.

  • A generic web hook can process HTTP requests, which allows triggers to come from websites or GitHub repositories.

  • Message traffic can trigger functions. For example, messages that arrive in an Azure Storage queue can trigger functions.

  • Timers can also trigger Functions, which allows users to execute regular tasks, such as file cleanups, on a regular schedule.

Users can also chain functions together, or associate one with another, to create more comprehensive application program interfaces (APIs) and microservices applications.

Azure Functions integrates with Azure software as a service (SaaS) offerings, including Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Mobile Apps and Azure Service Bus.

Developing code for Azure Functions

Azure Functions alleviates the need to provision, manage and pay for long-term compute resources in the cloud, which enables organizations to focus more on code development. This makes many of the features in Azure Functions beneficial to software developers.

Azure Functions supports functions developed in C#, F#, Node.js, Python, PHP, batch, bash and any executable file format. Azure Functions also supports the NuGet open source package manager and the Node Package Manager for JavaScript, allowing developers to use popular libraries.

You may perform your task with full ease, so , go and make your account on visual studio and take the subscription .Microsoft azure



Artificial intelligence is made up of two words artificial and intelligence, where, artificial means not real or made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural and intelligence means the
ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Artificial intelligence is the theory and
development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making,  and translation between languages.


An Introduction to C Language:

C programming is developed by Dennis Richie.

It is developed after B programming language. It’s most of the features are derived from B language.

The main difference between c and B programming language is –

B is a typeless language, whereas, c is having variety of data types.

Data types:-

Data types are basically divided into three types :

1) Primitive data types:

a) int

  1. Short
  2. Long

b) float

  1. Double
  2. Long double

c) char

2) non- primitive data types:




A) linear list

  1. Stack
  2. Queue

B) non- linear list



3) user defined data types:

  • Structures
  • Unio——————————————————–
  • C is a compiler based language each statement in c ends with a semicolon….
    Work of compiler:-
    -> to translate the code to machine code.
    -> error checking.For input and output :

    For getting input we use scanf function.

  • For getting the output on screen we use printf function.
  • Preprocessor directives:

    The preprocessor directives gives directives to the main function it consist of header files which are basically the libraries of C.

First program in C-


Int main()


Printf(“hello world “);

Return 0;


Format specifiers in C:-

%d – int

% ld- long

%f- float

%e – double

%lf – long double

%s – string

%c – character

& – address of symbol is used for storing the variable at a particular address.

Write a program to add two numbers:-



Int main()


Int a,b,c;

Printf(” enter two number”);

Scanf(“%d %d”,&a,&b);


Printf(“the sum of the given no. is =%d”,c);


Return 0;


Operators in C:

+ for addition

– for substation

* for multiplication

/ for division

Relational operators –

<=, >=

Shorthand operators-



*= ,


Write a program to find the area of a circle:-



Int main()


Float r,a;

Printf(“enter the radius “);

Scanf(” %f”,&r);


Printf(“area of circle ==%d”,a);


Return 0;


\n for next line

\v for vertical tab

\a for beep

\t for tab

Ternary/conditional operator :-

Variable = condition? True:False;

For example:-



Int main()


Int a,b,c;

Printf(“enter the age of a and age of b”);

Scanf(“%d %d”,&a,&b);


Printf(“the bigger one is =%d”,c);


Return 0;


Decision making :

1) if condition

2) if else condition

3) else if ladder

If condition









Int main ()


Int a,b,c;

Printf(“enter the age of a and age of b”);

Scanf(“%d %d”,&a,&b);


Printf(“a is the biggest “);


Printf(“b is the biggest”);


Return 0;


2) if – else condition

For example-

Int main ()


Int a,b,c;

Printf(“enter the age of a and age of b”);

Scanf(“%d %d”,&a,&b);


Printf(” a is the biggest”);

Return 0;


Write a program to find the number is even or odd?



Int main ()


Int a;

Printf (“enter the numbers”);



Printf (“The number is even=%d”,a);


Printf (“the number is odd=%d”,b);


Return 0;


Write a program to